
Is an independent fund management firm focused exclusively on public equities, with a fundamentalist approach.

About Nebraska

We are an independent Multi-Family Office focused on generating value for our clients, with alignment of interests as our guiding principle. Founded on family values, our clients’ resources are managed in the same way as our own families’ resources.

We were established with the objective of allocating the surplus capital of entrepreneurs through long-term business investments. With over 15 years of experience, we specialize in wealth management and equity allocation.

Inspired by the principles of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger, Nebraska’s partners are professionals with a discreet, focused, and disciplined profile in investment decision-making.


Fundação da empresa

Com o pensamento de "Built to Last", a Nebraska foi criada com o intuito de perpetuar o patrimônio familiar.


Administração de carteiras para pessoas físicas

Extensão do serviço para outras famílias.


Lançamento do fundo Nebraska Capital FIA BDR Nível I

Focado em empresas de valor com o objetivo de sermos sócios de empresas e administradores de alta qualidade, proporcionando retornos acima do custo de oportunidade.


Institucionalização da empresa

Consultoria estratégica para expandir o negócio e mudança de sede para comportar a nova estrutura e colaboradores.


Lançamento do fundo Nebraska Atlas

Estratégia focada em investir nas melhores ideias do mercado.


Expansão da sede e lançamento de novos produtos

Ampliação do serviço de gestão para novos investidores.

Qual a origem do nome Nebraska?

Nosso DNA vem da estratégia de Value Investing seguida pelo Warren Buffett, a qual foi uma adaptação do seu mentor Ben Graham. Ao longo desta última década fomos na maioria dos anos para Omaha, capital do estado de Nebraska, prestigiar a reunião anual da Berkshire Hathaway da qual Warren Buffett é seu principal sócio. Resolvemos fazer esta pequena homenagem ao "Oráculo de Omaha" dando o nome de nossa empresa de Nebraska Capital.


Leonardo Fração

Leonardo Fração

Degree in Civil Engineering from UFRGS. Associate with the Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies – IEE since 2003, where he went from director to president between 2007 and 2010.

“Observing my families’ difficulty in finding providers of financial services that were really aligned with our interests incentivized me to launch Nebraska in 2007”.

In parallel, in 2016, he became President of the non-profit “Culture Institute Forestry”, which is focused on improving quality of life and fostering prosperity in Brazil.

Bruno Otavio Claudino

Bruno Otavio Claudino

Degree in Industrial Engineering from UFRGS and FEUP in Portugal, investment manager from CVM and certified on CPA-20, CFG, CGA e CGE from ANBIMA. Was associate with the Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies – IEE for 5 years and was CFO on IL – Instituto Liberdade.

“I came from a family that owns a company in the fertilizer business and I have always been interested in the financial area; since a teenager, already took care of the family’s financial structures. In 2008 I joined Nebraska Capital as an intern in the operations  and became a partner over the years. ”

Mauro Barcellos

Mauro Barcellos

Degree in Business Administration from UFRGS, MBA in Finance from FGV, Certified Financial Planner (CPF) since 2010. With over 20 years of experience in Private Banking, a former banker at Citibank, Itaú Unibanco, JP Morgan, BNP Paribas, and Bradesco. Responsible for the establishment of the BNP Paribas office in Rio Grande do Sul. Mauro is an active member of boards of philanthropic entities. Join Nebraska as responsible for the expansion of the Multi-Family Office area.

Principles of interest alignment

One of our strongest differentiators is our principles of alignment of interests. It represents our commitment to raising capital over the long term, aligned with clients who share our investment philosophy.

  • We invest our own capital in the same strategies as our clients.
  • We return all distribution fees transparently and are only paid for management and performance fees.
  • We are not affiliated with any institution and with that we are able to seek the best products and services on the market, regardless of location.

Principles of interest alignment

One of our strongest differentiators is our principles of alignment of interests. It represents our commitment to raising capital over the long term, aligned with clients who share our investment philosophy.

  • We invest our own capital in the same strategies as our clients.
  • We return all distribution fees transparently and are only paid for management and performance fees.
  • We are not affiliated with any institution and with that we are able to seek the best products and services on the market, regardless of location.

Investment philosophy and process

Our investment philosophy has evolved over the years, supported by the ideas and teachings of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. We fundamentally look at the companies behind the actions and treat the capital market as just a means to achieve our goal: to be partners in high-quality companies and managers, providing returns high above the opportunity cost of our clients.

Our investment process has two outstanding characteristics: focus and discipline. We focus our time and attention on a list of companies, organized by sectors, that are in our circle of competence. We follow these companies methodically and we have among them a ranking outlining those in which we are shareholders, those that we may invest in, those that we are still studying, and the various others that we follow because they are competitors or similar to those of the first three groups.

Discipline is in the decision-making process, especially in investing, when looking for a gateway to a horizon of high returns, in addition to a good margin of safety, which can come in the form of a share with a discounted price or a company with the potential to deliver results far above the current ones and not yet priced by the market. Once the investment has been made, we follow this company very closely and become truly long-term shareholders.

The fact that we have an investment portfolio built over the years gives us the necessary peace of mind to deeply analyze any new idea and use high standards of choice, avoiding unnecessary mistakes.

Investment philosophy and process

Our investment philosophy has evolved over the years, supported by the ideas and teachings of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger. We fundamentally look at the companies behind the actions and treat the capital market as just a means to achieve our goal: to be partners in high-quality companies and managers, providing returns high above the opportunity cost of our clients.

Our investment process has two outstanding characteristics: focus and discipline. We focus our time and attention on a list of companies, organized by sectors, that are in our circle of competence. We follow these companies methodically and we have among them a ranking outlining those in which we are shareholders, those that we may invest in, those that we are still studying, and the various others that we follow because they are competitors or similar to those of the first three groups.

Discipline is in the decision-making process, especially in investing, when looking for a gateway to a horizon of high returns, in addition to a good margin of safety, which can come in the form of a share with a discounted price or a company with the potential to deliver results far above the current ones and not yet priced by the market. Once the investment has been made, we follow this company very closely and become truly long-term shareholders.

The fact that we have an investment portfolio built over the years gives us the necessary peace of mind to deeply analyze any new idea and use high standards of choice, avoiding unnecessary mistakes.